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Imprint / AGB / AEB:


AGB - Terms of Conditions
AEB - Terms of Conditions
Privacy Policy
Terms of Use







   Allebrand Industriegas Service

   Inh. Dieter Allebrand

   Dr.-Otto-Röhm-Straße 9

   67547 Worms






0049 / 6241 / 65 65 - 0

0049 / 6241 / 82 758




   Company owner:


   VAT registration number:





Dieter Allebrand








AGB - Terms of Conditions

Alternative representation:














AEB - Terms of Conditions

Alternative representation:















Alternative representation:














Privacy Policy


Responsible body in the sense of the data protection laws, in particular the EU data protection basic regulation (DSGVO), is:

Dieter Allebrand


Your victims rights

You can always exercise the following rights under the contact details of our data protection officer:

  • Information about your stored data and their processing (Art. 15 GDPR),
  • Correction of incorrect personal data (Art. 16 GDPR),
  • Deletion of your stored data (Art. 17 GDPR),
  • Restriction of data processing, insofar as we are not yet allowed to delete your data due to legal obligations (Art. 18 GDPR),
  • Objection to the processing of your data by us (Article 21 GDPR) and
  • Data portability, provided you have consented to the processing of data or have concluded a contract with us (Article 20 GDPR).

If you have given us your consent, you can withdraw it at any time with effect for the future.

You can contact a regulatory authority at any time with a complaint, such as: to the competent supervisory authority of the federal state of your domicile or to the authority responsible for us as responsible authority.

A list of the supervisory authorities (for the non-public area) with address can be found at: https://www.bfdi.bund.de/DE/Infothek/Anschriften_Links/anschriften_links-node.html.



Type and purpose of processing:

Like many other websites, we also use so-called "cookies". Cookies are small text files that are transferred from a website server to your hard drive. This automatically gives us certain data, such as IP address, browser used, operating system and your connection to the Internet.

Cookies can not be used to launch programs or to transfer viruses to a computer. Based on the information contained in cookies, we can facilitate navigation and enable the correct display of our websites.

In no case will the data collected by us be passed on to third parties or a link with personal data will be established without your consent.

Of course, you can also view our website without cookies. Internet browsers are regularly set to accept cookies. In general, you can disable the use of cookies at any time through the settings of your browser. Please use the help features of your internet browser to find out how to change these settings. Please note that some features of our website may not work if you have disabled the use of cookies.

Storage duration and used cookies:

If you allow us to use cookies through your browser settings or consent, the following cookies may be used on our websites:

Navigation and Counter: Session Cookies

Insofar as these cookies may (also) concern personal data, we will inform you in the following sections.

You can use your browser settings to delete individual cookies or the entire cookie portfolio. In addition, you will receive information and instructions on how to delete these cookies or block their storage in advance. Depending on the provider of your browser, you will find the necessary information under the following links:


Change of our privacy policy

We reserve the right to amend this privacy policy to always comply with the latest legal requirements or to implement changes to our services in the privacy policy, e.g. when introducing new services. Your new visit will be subject to the new privacy policy.


Questions to the data protection officer

If you have any questions about privacy, please email us or contact the person responsible for privacy in our organization:

Dieter Allebrand

The privacy policy has been created with Datenschutzerklärungs-Generator der activeMind AG (Version 2018-06-22).






Terms of Use


1. Update these Terms of Use

Due to the constant technical and legal innovations, we must change and update the conditions of use from time to time. Before each use of our website, please check when the last version was posted on the website.

The last post was on 21. June 2010.


2. Copyright and other intellectual property rights

All content on our site, including text, images, graphics, audio and video files are, except as otherwise expressly stated, our property and may not reproduced for public or commercial purposes, modified, transmitted, reused, provided, utilized or used in any other way without our prior written consent. We point out that a violation of our copyright and other intellectual property rights may result in civil and / or criminal penalties. All within the Internet offer referred to herein are protected by third parties and trademarks with the provisions of applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the copyright owner.


3. Disclaimer

This website contains hyperlinks to other websites. The company Allebrand does not guarantee or liability for any illegal content or other violations on sites of other providers. This applies to all within the own Internet offer set left and references. The information on this website have been compiled with great care and checked. However, we can't assume responsibility for their timeliness, accuracy, completeness and / or quality. The use of this website and the downloading of data is at your own risk. The company Allebrand doesn't assume responsible for any resulting damage, in particular to data files, hardware and / or software of the user.


4. Legal validity of this Terms of Use

If sections or individual formulations of this text are not legal or correct, the remaining parts of the document are valid in their content.






No lawyer warning without previous contact!


If the content or the presentation of these sites infringe the rights of third parties or statutory provisions, we request for an appropriate message without any costs. We guarantee that the disputed will be removed immediately, without the intervention of a lawyer is required.






17.02.2025 - 21:33 Uhr


Dieter, Allebrand, Worms, Dr, Otto, Röhm, Roehm, Straße, Industreigas, Service, Flaschenhandel, Gashandel, Gasflasche, Gasflaschen, Flaschen, Prüfwerk, Schweißereibedarf, Zubehör, Druckgasbehälter, Gas, Gase, Druckgas, Kaufflaschen, Tauschflaschen, Stahl-Flaschen, Aluminium-Flaschen, Verbundstoff-Flaschen, CNG-Behälter, Stahlflaschen, Aluminiumflaschen, Verbundstoffflaschen, CNGBehälter, Technische Gase, Gastronomie Gas, Gasgemische, Sondergase, Sonstige Gase, Acetylen 2.6, Arcox HE, Argon 4.8 5.0 5.7 6.0 für Spektrometrie He 30/70 50/50 70/30, Argon Methan 90/10 95/5, Argon S 12 W 2, Atem-Druckluft 200 Bar 300 Bar, Ballongas, Distickstoffoxid Lachgas Druckluft, Druckluft für Schießsportvereine 200 Bar 300 Bar, Formiergas 70/30 (N2/H2), Gastro-Gas 70/30 (N2/CO2) 80/20 (N2/CO2), Helium 4.6 5.0 5.6 6.0, Kältemittel R134a Tetrafluorethan, Kohlendioxid med., Kohlensäure Kohlendioxid Thekenversionen, Methan 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5, Propan / Campinggas, Sauerstoff 2.5 3.5 4.5 4.8 5.5 med., Stickoxydul pro narcosi, Stickstoff 2.5 4.0 4.0 4.6 5.0 HR 5.5 6.0, Synthetische Luft, Treibgas, Wasserstoff 3.0 5.0 Lieferung im Umkreis von Worms Rheinland-Pfalz Baden Württemberg Hessen, Thüringen, Pfalz, Saarland und RLP auf Anfrage möglich:


Allebrand Industrial Gas Service  *  Phone: 0049 / 6241 / 65 65-0  *  eMail: Contact@Allebrand.eu  *  www.Allebrand.eu  *  Sitemap