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Gases / Product Overview:



In this section you will find our gases sorted by categories.

If you can't find your desired or not in the desired size, please contact us.


Industrial gases

Click on the desired category 

Gastronomy gases

or select it from the left menu.

Gas mixtures

Special gases

Other gases







 Industial gases


Argon 4.6

Compressed air

Helium 4.6

Arcox 1

Argon S 1

Forming gas 70/30 (N2/H2)


Arcox 2

Argon S 3

Forming gas 75/25 (N2/H2)

Oxygen 2.5

Arcox 8

Argon S 4

Forming gas 80/20 (N2/H2)

Oxygen 3.5

Arcox 15

Argon S 8

Forming gas 85/15 (N2/H2)

Nitrogen 2.5

Arcox 20

Argon S 12

Forming gas 90/10 (N2/H2)


Arcox 25

Argon W 2

Forming gas 95/5 (N2/H2)

Hydrogen 3.0

Arcox 18

Argon W 3

Forming gas 98/2 (N2/H2)

Arcox HE

Argon W 5

Carbonic acid / carbon dioxide

Arcox 2 K

Argon W 7,5





  Gastronomy gases

Gastro-Gas 80/20 (N2/CO2)

Nitrogen 4.0

Carbonic acid / Counterversion

Gastro-Gas 70/30 (N2/CO2)

Nitrogen 5.0 HR






  Gas mixtures

Argon He 30/70

Argon Methane 90/10

Argon W for spektrometry 95/5

Argon He 50/50

Argon Methane 95/5

Argon W for spektrometry 98/2

Argon He 70/30

Synthetic air





  Special gases

Acetylene 2.6

Helium 5.0

Nitrogen 4.0 / 4.6 / 5.0

Argon 4.8 / 5.0

Helium 5.6 / 6.0

Nitrogen 5.5 / 6.0

Argon 5.7 / 6.0

Methane 2.5 / 3.5 / 4.5 / 5.5

Hydrogen 5.0

Argon for spektrometry

Oxygen 4.5 / 4.8 / 5.5





  Other gases

Balloon gas

Refrigerant R 134 a (

Compressed air for shooting clubs 200 Bar

Propane / camping gas

Compressed air for shooting clubs 300 Bar





21.12.2024 - 14:43 Uhr


Dieter, Allebrand, Worms, Dr, Otto, Röhm, Roehm, Straße, Industreigas, Service, Flaschenhandel, Gashandel, Gasflasche, Gasflaschen, Flaschen, Prüfwerk, Schweißereibedarf, Zubehör, Druckgasbehälter, Gas, Gase, Druckgas, Kaufflaschen, Tauschflaschen, Stahl-Flaschen, Aluminium-Flaschen, Verbundstoff-Flaschen, CNG-Behälter, Stahlflaschen, Aluminiumflaschen, Verbundstoffflaschen, CNGBehälter, Technische Gase, Gastronomie Gas, Gasgemische, Sondergase, Sonstige Gase, Acetylen 2.6, Arcox HE, Argon 4.8 5.0 5.7 6.0 für Spektrometrie He 30/70 50/50 70/30, Argon Methan 90/10 95/5, Argon S 12 W 2, Atem-Druckluft 200 Bar 300 Bar, Ballongas, Distickstoffoxid Lachgas Druckluft, Druckluft für Schießsportvereine 200 Bar 300 Bar, Formiergas 70/30 (N2/H2), Gastro-Gas 70/30 (N2/CO2) 80/20 (N2/CO2), Helium 4.6 5.0 5.6 6.0, Kältemittel R134a Tetrafluorethan, Kohlendioxid med., Kohlensäure Kohlendioxid Thekenversionen, Methan 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5, Propan / Campinggas, Sauerstoff 2.5 3.5 4.5 4.8 5.5 med., Stickoxydul pro narcosi, Stickstoff 2.5 4.0 4.0 4.6 5.0 HR 5.5 6.0, Synthetische Luft, Treibgas, Wasserstoff 3.0 5.0 Lieferung im Umkreis von Worms Rheinland-Pfalz Baden Württemberg Hessen, Thüringen, Pfalz, Saarland und RLP auf Anfrage möglich:


Allebrand Industrial Gas Service  *  Phone: 0049 / 6241 / 65 65-0  *  eMail: Contact@Allebrand.eu  *  www.Allebrand.eu  *  Sitemap